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We hope that you enjoy using your new TurkeyStone or ChickenStone.
For best results review our instructions below before use.

The Top Line*

Quick Start Guide

  1. Fill your Stone with any combination of liquids and seasonings you like.
  2. Insert the Stone horizontally into the cavity of the chicken or turkey. Optional: truss the legs with twine.
  3. Roast the whole bird, with the Stone in place, until an instant-read thermometer shows that the meat has reached the appropriate temperature (details below).
  4. Check the temperature early and often! These Stones will speed up cooking times, especially for turkeys. Avoid the #1 enemy of tasty, juicy meat: over-cooking!
  5. Once the chicken or turkey is done, let it sit with the Stone inside, for a few minutes to lock in the juices.
  6. Please remove the Stone with caution as it will be hot! 
  7. Enjoy!

🔥  Pro Tip!  🔥 

Want to cut cooking time for your turkey as much as possible? Start with no liquids in the TurkeyStone. Then, part-way through roasting, add pre-heated liquids (e.g., beer, wine, broth,) via the neck of the Stone. Place the cap back on the neck and continue cooking.



Detailed Instructions


Since it’s lean, poultry meat dries out easily. The longer it’s in the oven, the drier it will get. Plus the bird’s large cavity traps cooler air. The result? Likely uneven and over-cooked meat. The #1 enemies of taste and moisture! We designed these Stones to help you avoid these problems. 
The Stone sits inside the cavity of the turkey or chicken during cooking. The ceramic body warms up quickly, becoming its own heat source. Then rapidly conducts heat into the cavity.  The Stone evens out roasting temperatures. Reducing cooking time. So that you can get juicer, tastier meat. And experiment with unlimited flavor combinations.


Have a good instant-read thermometer on hand. During roasting, your aim is to raise the internal temperature of the turkey or chicken high enough so that it’s safely cooked. But diligently avoid over-cooking! 
In our experience, charts of cooking times and weights simply can’t substitute for checking the temperature throughout roasting with a thermometer. 
Other basic tools we recommend having on hand are:
  • Some kitchen twine
  • A sturdy baking dish 
  • A pair of decent cooking mitts or gloves
  • Paper towels
  • Aluminum foil
Your seasonings can be as simple as:
  • Cooking oil or butter 
  • Salt and pepper
  • Or as adventurous as . . . anything you dream up!


1. PREP: Start your prep by drying the skin well with paper towels so that it will be crisp. Then rub it generously with cooking oil or butter, salt, pepper, and any other dry seasoning you like. Preheat your oven to about 350°F / 175°C. Then grab your Turkey or Chicken Stone.  
2. FILL: Add any combination of herbs and dry seasonings you like, such as fresh herbs and garlic, into the body of the Stone.  
3. PLACE & TRUSS: Place the bird in your baking dish. And slide the Stone horizontally into the cavity of the bird. You can leave the larger, oblong lid on or off during cooking. Either way is fine. Then use your kitchen twine to truss the legs of the bird (if you want). The Stone’s ceramic neck will project outside of the bird. The bird’s legs should wrap around the neck and, once trussed, help hold the Stone in place. 
4. POUR: If you’re going to use wine, beer, broth, or another liquid add it now or mid-way through the cooking process. 🔥 Pro Tip! 🔥 You can also use the Stone empty throughout the entire roasting process to simply speed cooking time. The Stone speeds cooking times the most when empty.
5. ROAST: Now that you’re set, pop the entire bird - with its Stone - into the preheated oven. 🔥 Pro Tip! 🔥 One of our preferred techniques is to add hot liquid to the Stone halfway through the cooking process by pouring it into the neck of the stone. Then fit the round cap securely in place before returning it to the oven. Handle with care throughout since the Stone will be hot! 
6. WATCH: The Stone will reduce normal cooking times. So regularly check the temperature in the meatiest part of the breast or in the thigh - without touching the thermometer against the bone. Turkeys and chickens are done when the internal temperature reaches 165°F / 74°C. 🔥 Pro Tip! 🔥 Avoid overcooking by keeping in mind that the bird’s temperature will continue rising after it is removed from the oven, especially turkeys. Check out the video link below on this topic. 
7. WAIT: Once it’s out of the oven, loosely tent your bird with foil and let it rest. About 10 minutes for chickens and 30 for turkeys. This locks in the juices. Remember, the Stone will also be hot when it comes out of the oven. So handle with care.



* These instructions are not intended to replace official U.S. or other government guidelines for cooking poultry.